Welcome to the positive thoughts status in Nepali! In this post, you’ll find inspiring statuses filled with positive thoughts, including “सकारात्मक विचार Status,” “नेपाली मन छुने status” “जिन्दगी Status नेपाली,” “सकारात्मक विचार Status English,” and “सकारात्मक सोच सफल जीवन.” These statuses are designed to uplift your spirits and help you view life positively.

सकारात्मक सोच सफल जीवन
यथार्थ अर्कै पनि हुन सक्छ चुपचाप बस्ने सबै मान्छे घमण्डी हुदैनन
Money is something that is here today and gone tomorrow, but a person’s dignity should never be like money; it should remain consistent forever.
Paisa bhannē chij āja huncha, bhōlī hudaina tara mānchēkō ijjat bhannē paisā jasto hunuhūdaina, sadhaibharī ēk nāsko hunupardacha.
First, change your perspective, thinking, and mindset, then you can become an analyst.
Pahilā dṛṣṭī, sōch ra mānasikatā badlanus ani biślēṣak bannu hōlā.
The mindset of only wanting to save oneself often ends up harming others.
Āphulā’ī mātra bacā’unē sōchlē arulā’ī mārirahēkō huncha.
Life is also a journey, and to reach your destination, the road may be winding, straight, or sometimes uphill and downhill.

खुशी को लागी काम गर्नु हुन्छ भने खुशी मिल्दैनतर खुशीभएर काम गर्न हुन्छ भने खुशी र सफलता दुबै मिल्छ…
Jīvan bhannē nai ēutā yātrā nai hō, āphnō gantabya sam’ma pugna kā lāgi bāṭō kahilē ghumāurō, kahilē sidhā, ra kahilē ukālī ōrālī!
Life is a mixture of little happiness and much suffering.
Jīvan bhannē nai thōrē khusī ra dhērē pīḍāko sangam rahekō chha.
Reality can be different; not all people who remain silent are arrogant.
Yathārtha arkai pani hun sakchha, chupacāp basnē sabai mānchē ghamanḍī hudainan.
A mustard seed is small, but it has the ability to spread its roots. So never underestimate an opportunity and let it slip away.
Torīko dānā sāno hunchha, tara tyaslē āfnā jarā phailā’unē kṣamatā rākchha. Tyesailē kahilyai pani avasarlā’ī sāno thānēra nachhodau.
Once you have money, even the Saturn in your horoscope can’t harm you.

पैसा भन्ने चिज आज हुन्छ भोलि हुदैन तर मान्छेको ईज्जत भनेको पैसा जस्तो हुनुहुदैन सधै भरि एक नासको हुनुपर्छ…
Āphusang money bhayēpachi kuṇḍalikō śani lē pani kēhī bigārna nasaknē rahechha.
It’s not enough to just dream of climbing mountains; you must also have the courage to climb over the fence in front of your house!
Pahāḍ chaḍnē sapnā mātra dēkhēra hudaina, ghar agāḍikō tagārō nāghnē himmat pani hunu parchha!
Have the courage to travel alone, because not everyone can always be your companion.
Ēklai yātrā garnē himmat rakhnus, jōkōhī tapā’ikā sāthī sadhai sāth hudainan.
Pretentiousness, showiness, and superficiality—these three things never let a person progress in life!
Banāvatī, dēkhāvatī ra sajāvatī yī tīnwatā kurālē mānchēlā’ī jīvanmā agāḍī baḍhna didainan!

सकारात्मक विचार status English
समय ️सबैलाई मिल्छ जिन्दगी बदल्न को लागी तर जिन्दगी फेरि फेरि मिल्दैन समय बदल्न को लागी
Sansār jitanē sapnā dēkhnu bhanda, sansār mā arukō agāḍī asal bhēra jīvan jīunanē sapnā dēkhnu uttam hunchha.
Whether it is a ray of the sun or a ray of hope, it can remove all the darkness in life.
Kiraṇ chāhē sūryakō hoss yā āśākō, jīvanmā sabai andhakār haṭāidinchha.
Successful people don’t rely on others; they find opportunities within themselves.
Saphal hunē byakti haru arumathī nirbhar hudainan, āphai bhitra avasar khōjnē garchan.
Please don’t shout at your parents to make them understand; they understood you even when you couldn’t speak.
Thulō swaramā bolēra āmā babālā’ī samjā’unē nagar, āmā babā tyō bēlā pani timrā kurā bujhnuhunthyo jati bēlā timī bolna sakdainathyō.
People place their parents in old age homes but believe in statues that don’t even speak!
Bōlnē bhagwān’lā’ī vriddha āśram rākhera, nabōlnē mūrtikō biśwās garchha mānchē!
The heart just needs to be pure; in life, you meet countless friends.
Man mātra pavitra hunu parchha, jīvanmā mitra ta kati hō kati bhēṭinchan.

कसैको खुट्टा मा झरेर सफलता पाउनु भन्दा आफनै खुट्टा मा उभिएर केही बन्छु भनेर सोच्नुहोस !
A successful person may or may not be happy, but a person who finds happiness in everything is surely successful in life.
Saphal mānchē khusī rahanchha yā rahadaina tha’chhaina, tara harēk kurāmā khusī hunē mānchē, awasya pani jīvanmā saphal hunchan.
Above love, affection, and companionship, wealth, pride, and beauty take the top place.
Māyā, prēm ani sāth bhanda māthi, dhan, ghamanḍ ani sundaratā lē nai, pahilo sthān pā’unē rahechha.
People only start to appreciate you when you are far away from them.
Mānchē harulē tapā’īkō kadar garnu tab suru garchan jaba tapā’ī uniharubāt dhērai tāḍā pugisakēkō hunuhunchha.
The importance of a clay pot and family is only understood by those who create them, not by those who break them.
Māṭōkō bhāḍā ra pariwārkō mahatwā sirpha banā’unēlā’ī thāhā hunchha tōḍnēlā’ī hōina.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Swayam āphūlē nai tyō pariwartan gar, jun timī sansārmā dēkhnā chāhanchhau.

सकारात्मक सोच भनाइ
ठुलो नोकर बन्नुभन्दा सानो मालिक बन्नुस् , खुसि आफै मिल्छ।
Jīvan kō satya bujhnā tyati gārho pani chaina, bas jun tarājuma arulai tāulēra hērchhau hō tyahi tarājuma kahilēkāhī āphulā’ī pani tāulēra hērnu.
When tea and character are lost, stains remain. So, always keep your character high.
Chiyā ra charitra jab jharchha tab dāga lāgchha, tyesailē jahile pani āphnō charitrā’ī uccra rākhnuhōs.
If you work for happiness, you may not find it, but if you work with happiness, you will find both happiness and success.
Khushi kō lāgī kām garnuhuncha bhane khushi mildaina, tara khushi bhēra kām garnuhunchha bhane khushi ra saphalatā dubai mildaicha.
Rather than gaining success by stepping on someone else’s feet, think about standing on your own feet and achieving something.
Kasā’ī kō khuṭṭāmā jharēra saphalatā pā’unē bhanda āphnō khuṭṭāmā uṭhīra kēhī banchnu bhannuhōs.
Responsibility makes a person mature even at a young age.
Jimmedārī lē mānchēlā sānō umēramā nai thūlō banā’ī dinē rahechha.
Always maintain a ‘positive’ mindset. The whole world looks beautiful when seen with positivity!
Sadhai ‘sākārātmak’ soch rākhnuhōs. ‘Varipari mātra hōina, sāra sansār nai sundar dēkhinchha!’

सफल मान्छे खुसि रहन्छ या रहदैन थाछैन, तर हरेक कुरामा खुसि हुने मान्छे, अवस्य पनि जीवनमा सफल हुन्छन
Appreciate every individual but reject their bad intentions and actions!
Harek vyaktīlā’ī kadar garau tara, usko khārāb niyat ra gatividhi lā’ī badar garau!
One must know how to search for happiness, as it can be found even in dark clouds where the lightning of hope shines.
Khojnā jānnū parchha, hārek ṭhā’umā khushi bhēṭincha, yāhā kālō bādalkō bichmā pani āśākō bijulī chamkīnchha.
People will keep deceiving you as long as you give them the chance.
Mānchēharū tabaiṁ samma dhōkā dinchu jaba samma tapā’ī le uslā’ī avasara dinuhuncha.
Don’t forget God just because you have read a lot, as time seeks deeds, not degrees.
Dherai paḍhēkōchu bhanda bhagwān’lā’ī nabhulnu, kinabhane kāl le karma khōjchha, dīgrī hoinā!
A child takes 2 years to learn to speak, but it takes a lifetime to learn what to say.
Bacchā’lā’ī bolnē 2 barsā lāgchha tara kē bolnē bāṭa sochnā purā jīvan lāgchha.

positive thoughts status in Nepali
तोरीको दाना सानो हुन्छ, तर त्यसले आफ्ना जरा फैलाउने क्षमता राख्छ । त्यसैले कहिल्यै पनि अवसरलाई सानो ठानेर नछोडौ
Dhairya garnus, kēhī chīz harū sahī samay āyepachi mātra milnēchha!
Don’t just say Hug Day, Rose Day, Valentine’s Day, because your parents also ask for one thing: Success Day.
Hug Day, Rose Day, Valentine Day mātra nābhannus, kinabhane tapā’īnkā āmā bābā’lā’ī pani ēkāṭi kura māgnēchhan, tyo ho Success Day.
Instead of becoming a big servant, become a small master; happiness will come automatically.
Thūlō nokar banēra bhanda sānō mālik banus, khushi āphai milchha.
Never ask a woman’s age or a man’s earnings, because a woman never lives for herself, and a man never earns for himself.
Kahile pani mahilā kō umēra ra puruṣ kō kamā’ī nāsōdhnus, kinabhane mahilā kahile pani āphnō lāgi bāc̐dainan ra puruṣlē kahile pani āphnō lāgi kamā’ōdainan.
Everyone gets time to change their life, but life doesn’t get another chance to change time.
Samaya sabā’īlā’ī jīvan badlā’unē samaya milchha tara jīvan phēri samaya badlā’unē samaya nahin.
Keep your thoughts positive; people will start to feel good about themselves.
Soch ramrō rākhnuhōs, mānchēharū āphulai ramrō lagnā thālchhan.
Time is powerful; it does not discriminate. To witness the miracles of time, you only need to be alive, positive, and healthy.
Samaya balavān chha, samayā’ī kasā’īlā’ī bhed gardaina, samayā’ī chamatkārānā dēkhna, tyaskō anubhav garnā keval jīvit, sākārātmak ra svasthya hune bhayē pugchha.
Define life not as a burden, but as a quest for new things. Even in negative circumstances, you will find a positive perspective!
Jīvanlā’ī bojh hōina naya naya kurāharū kō khoj bhannē rūp mā paribhaṣit garnuhōs, nakārātmak paristhitīmā pani sākarātmak dr̥ṣṭikōṇ bhēṭinu hunchha!
The basis of success is a positive mindset.
Saphalatā kō ādhār bhannēko sākarātmak soch ho.
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